Kursus Tambahan
Fundamental Critical Care Support Course (FCCS Course)
Responding your enthusiasm and continuing our organizational commitment to develop Intensive Care Medicine knowledge skill, which shall always be improved from time to time, and refers to the Standardization of ICU Service, Health Department of Republic of Indonesia which is mentioned that the medical team who work in ICU have to have the qualification of General Emergency life support, one of them is FCCS.
A two-day international comprehensive course addressing fundamental management principles for the first 24 hours of critical care.
To better prepare the non-intensivist for the first 24 hours of management of the critically ill patient until transfer or appropriate critical care consultation can be arranged.
To assist the non-intensivist in dealing with sudden deterioration of the critically ill patient.
To prepare house staff for ICU coverage.
To prepare nurses and other critical care practitioners to deal with acute deterioration in the critically ill patient.
Prioritize assessment needs for the critically ill patient.
Select appropriate diagnostic tests.
Identify and respond to significant changes in the unstable patient.
Recognize and initiate management of acute life-threatening conditions.
Determine the need for expert consultation and/or patient transfer and prepare the practitioner for optimally accomplishing transfer
- Recognition and Assessment of the Seriously Ill Patient
- Airway Management
- Cardipulmonary / Cerebral Resuscitation
- Monitoring Blood Flow, Oxygenation and Acid Base Status
- Diagnosis and Management of Shock
- Diagnosis and Management of Acute Respiratory Failure
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Management of Life-Threatening Electrolyte and Metabolic Disturbances
- Life-Threatening Infections: Diagnosis and Antimicrobial Therapy Selection
- Special Considerations
- Critical Care in Pregnancy
- Neurological Support
- Critical Care in Infants and Children The Basics
- Basic Trauma and Burn Management
- Ethics in Critical Care Medicine
Skill Stations
- Airway Management
- Vascular Access
- Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS)
- Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (NPPV)
- Trauma
- Shock
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Physicians who work in emergency department.
- Physicians who work in ICU.
- Critical Care Fellows.
- Primary care physicians.
- Residents in training
Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) will issue a Certificate of Successful Completion for the course.
# 17-18 Mei 2009, RS. H. Adam Malik, Medan (10 seats available).
# 8-9 June 2009, Hotel Gran Melia, Jakarta (seats available).
# 7-8 December 2009, Surabaya (seats available).
For registration and more information about the FCCS course, please do not hesitate to contact the secretariat e-mail : info@perdici.org, PERDICI secretariat : (+62 21) 319-09033 , 68599155. Fax : (+62 21) 31909033
Rp 3.500.000,- (tiga juta lima ratus ribu rupiah) / person
Transfer in full amount to :
Bank Mandiri Cabang RSPJHK - Jakarta
a/n dr. Zuswayudha S & dr. Oloan
116 000 443 0907
Please fax the Application Transfer to Secretariat of ISICM :
(021) 31909033 Attn. Mrs. Ade
Tata Cara Pendaftaran Peserta Kursus
1. Peserta membayar biaya pendaftaran kursus ke Bank Mandiri Cabang RS. Pusat Jantung Harapan Kita (RSPJHK) 116 000 443 0907 a/n dr. Oloan & dr. Zuswayuda.
2. Bukti transfer di fax ke (021) 31909033 attn: Mba Ade, dengan menyertakan nama dan nomor handphone, khusus luar kota cantumkan alamat pengiriman buku.
3. Peserta dianggap terdaftar sebagai peserta FCCS apabila telah melakukan pembayaran sebagaimana tersebut diatas.
4. Bagi peserta FCCS yang telah membayar, akan mendapat foto copy buku FCCS (yang dipakai untuk belajar) sambil menunggu datangnya buku FCCS asli dari Society Critical Care Medicine (Amerika). Khusus peserta yang berada diluar Jakarta buku akan dikirim oleh panitia ke alamat peserta.
5. Pembatalan / pengunduran diri hanya bisa dilakukan sebelum 2 minggu. Pelaksanaan kursus dan uang akan dikembalikan lagi dengan dipotong biaya administrasi.
6. Pendaftaran ditutup setelah kursus Full Seat atau paling lambat 2 (dua) minggu sebelum pelaksanaan kursus.
Tata Tertib Pelaksanaan Kursus
1. Peserta harus tiba dilokasi tepat pukul 7.30 WIB untuk registrasi ulang.
2. Pre Test akan dilaksanakan pukul 08.00 WIB. Jika peserta datang terlambat, tidak diberikan perpanjangan waktu.
3. Kuliah akan dimulai pukul 08.45 WIB, jika peserta terlambat maka yang bersangkutan tidak diperkenankan mengikuti kuliah sampai dengan pelaksanaan kursus selesai, sehingga dengan demikian peserta tidak memenuhi jam kehadiran, berarti dinyatakan TIDAK LULUS.
4. Peserta wajib mengikuti Pre dan Post Test.
5. Peserta wajib mengikuti seluruh kuliah dan skill station. Jika peserta tidak mengikuti 1 (satu) mata kuliah dan atau 1 (satu) skill station dianggap TIDAK LULUS. dan yang bersangkutan dapat mengikuti kursus pada waktu dan tempat yang akan datang dengan hanya membayar biaya konsumsi saja.